The Benefits of Travel, Or: Why All the Jet Lag and Baggage Fees are Worth It

I am inspired by the world that surrounds me. I am captivated by the ever-changing and developing world and the way that each culture, city, and individual impacts this planet. The world and all of its working is highly complex, and I have always been passionate about exploring and learning as much as possible about what makes up this place that we call home. I have been lucky enough to grow up in a very international home. I was born in London, England and raised in Palo Alto, California. My cousins are based in Sydney, Australia and the entirety of my extended family is still based throughout the United Kingdom. From the time I was young all of my school breaks were spent traveling with my family. I have been fortunate enough to travel to all corners of this globe from New Zealand, Madagascar, Botswana, Sicily, Tahiti and Bangalore. I do not think I will ever be able to comprehend the sheer size of this planet but I do know that for as long as I live I will have a passion for travel. I feel enriched when exploring, learning, and talking to local people and discovering what their life has given to them. As I have grown up I have learned that I am fortunate to hold such a global perspective. I consider myself extremely fortunate because through travel I have been able to expand my horizons and deepen my knowledge on issues that I might have looked at one-dimensionally if I had not been lucky enough to broaden my horizon.
Even though I have travelled my whole life I feel that being at college has been one of my most enriching experiences. I am surrounded by people from all walks of life that are coming together for the greater purpose of education. In my present, day to day life, I am a college student, and while what I learn in the classroom is extremely valuable. The connections and relationships that I make are what continues to define my college experience. I am considered an international student, and because of that I have been exposed to a group of very unique and intellectual people. During my first week at USC, I was required to attend a passport verification meeting. I went into this with very low expectations and expected to be one of hundreds of students sitting in a large auditorium. I was wrong. I walked into a small classroom where just one other student was sitting. After the session was over, we walked outside together and began to talk about where we come from and why we are at USC. The other student in the classroom was a young man named Xavier Di Petta. We sat down and talked about our families and lives and as the conversation progressed I learned that he was an extraordinary entrepreneur. Xavier has earned spots on Times’ Magazine, 'Top 25 Under 20' and 'The 15 Smartest Teens On The Planet'. This specific interaction will always be a reminder to me that I am surrounded by some of the most intelligent young men and women on the planet, and that while travel expands deepens my mind, learning from others will always be a way of growth.
American intellectual Mark Twain once remarked, “Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all of one’s lifetime.” Imagine a world in which every human being was required to travel. Imagine that all young people could experience life outside of their own little world, to learn and connect from others and to experience different cultures. A world where everyone was aware of how large this planet is and how many different aspects go into creating this place we all call home. Many problems arise from lack of understanding, lack of acceptance and the fact that so many people have such narrow minds. With everyone well traveled, there would be less xenophobia and tribalism. People are scared of what they do not know or understand which leads to xenophobia. With everyone well traveled, there would be more economic opportunities for young people. Some people may not find jobs suitable for their skillset in a small town, but what if they travelled to Europe and found a workplace in which they could excel? With everyone well traveled, there would be less wars and religious conflicts through increased dialogue. If citizens of this world were to talk face to face with each other on such issues the tensions that trigger wars would be eased. If everyone was well traveled, there would be more happiness and empathy and less ego on a personal level. With travel comes a new perspective, one that allows an individual to understand that they are part of something much bigger than themselves. We all have our own tiny roles that contribute to the functioning of this planet.
In the coming years, I hope that I am able to live deeply by connecting to people from as many diverse backgrounds as possible. I am so fortunate to have been given the opportunity of travel, and it is not something I will ever take for granted. I want to continue to grow and develop as an individual and within the next year or so I hope to study abroad. I think that immersion into a culture is one of the most efficient and effective ways of understanding the ins and outs of a certain population. I also hope to continue studying languages. I have been lucky enough to have learned Spanish to a high level and I hope that in the future I am able to learn another language. My uncle speaks eight languages fluently and is by far the the most interesting and well cultured man I have ever met. A couple of years ago he left his life in London to move in with a family in china in order to expand his Chinese. His gift of language is truly amazing but the way he uses it to connect to others is what I find to be most special. Travel has been such an important part of my life since I was young. In college, I have learned how special it is, and in the future I hope I am able to keep growing through travel.